Sunday, January 13, 2008

My gymming progress

I told everyone back in Perth "when I come back, I'll be super slim. just u wait n see!"

I'm feeling the pressure now. hahah. as much as I'm determined to go to the gym...I've gone for a total of.. 3 times .. due to unforeseen circumstances. honestly. but we're working on it.. Johnny boy and I. Altho, every time I go there, I feel like a weakling. cos all the aunties n uncles are still going strong when we're about to die... and they were there before us!  But we shall persevere!... no matter how weak we may look. Lol I wish I never uttered those words.

resolution for 2008: Lose those flabs woman!


Yu Zhen said...

hellloo amy...
love your blog now!

Yu Zhen said...

oh yah just to let you know I changed my blog!

fishingrod said...

haha...good luck!
i'm currently gymming too!!
but kinda lazy...bleh!! =P

amy said...

thanks zhen!

amy said...

heyyyyyy i've been going regularly...last week. haha. mannn i was on a roll..for 4 or 5 whole days straight. then i slacked.. lol.

we gotta lose those flabs mister!

whyimQ said...

amy princess...u slim liao wow...ot enuf yet??? still wan slimmer?? omg...