Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Kiasu-ness to the max!

Curtin Career Fair was on today

I morphed into a Singaporean :D happy times.. lol

By the end of it,
Ange - was rather horrified by how Singaporean I can be but reluctantly accepted me for that and even more reluctantly allowed me to continue...

Nanny - was very proud of me morphing into one of 'them'. i look up to her as a role model in kiasu-ness now.

Elaine - doesn't know where to hide her face.

Jen - ... was just laughing away.

ps: i learnt some new words today over lunch..
  • (something) + fart = shart
  • poo + pee = poe


ange said...

of all things to learn! hahha. lunch was rather unappetizing no? but i quite like the beef. it was good. (:

and carry that bag out you really wanted the next time i see you! haha at cell or something. lol.

carol said...

ehh? what did u do that's so kiasu? ;p

amy said...

ange: i ate all my beef before jen made me lose my appetite. that was good beef. we shall have it again. haha
ahhh.. the bag. alan said i was a gold digger when i told him bout it. lol

carol: details are much too embarassing n dentrimental to my name and thus, it shall be spared. hahah. will tell u another time :)