Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Double whammy!

Taking a rather disturbing break from my assignment.

I feel the need to vent.

First I found out I forgot to save all the work i did for my assignment last night.


Malaysian Dreamgirl turned into Malaysian Dreambeach!!!!!!


arghhhhhhhhh complete waste of my life watching it.

Pays to be the only daughter with a rich dad. Probably thought all the sms money would be compensated for when the daughter wins......, which is rather true.

(repeats to self: "Love your neighbours as yourself. Love your neighbours as yourself...")

Darn. how I wish I didn't have a conscience right now.


Anonymous said...

which is the lesser of the two evils?
A pap smear or cindy??

ange said...

bird poo on pants. (:

pap smear for you jeremy?


amy said...

pap smears = cindy = evil.

i dont wanna be a girl anymore..waitttt then again i dont wanna be a guy like u either, jeremy. ulgh. u guys have got it worse than girls. ahhaha.

thanks for the convo. feel a wholeee lot better now!


Anonymous said...

*winces in pseudo pain*