Wednesday, August 20, 2008

my reminder

Jeremy says:

It's your last day to be a teeen!!

Jeremy says:



goodness. haven't really thought about it that way yet. 

quick! what do teens do??? lol

...crap. i've got to finish my assignment first. and a class and a lecture in about 20 mins 

there goes the last day of my teenage years.. 

suddenly, all the memories from 6 years ago flashed through my head... 

hahha no it didn't.


update: lol. Jeremy says to not go for class and enjoy the last day of teen rebellion. cos according to him "teen rebellion sounds better than twenty rebellion". lol. i'm still going :P

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Kids say the darndest things #173

"When I get baptist (baptised), can I blow bubbles?"

Monday, August 18, 2008

afternoon at the park

I took the kids that I babysitted for out to the park last friday after they agreed to finish off their homework. they are so adorable! although, after completing my neuropsych assignment, I strongly suspect that my boy has ADHD.. help! he's driving me nuts. what do you do when you've tried every possible way to stop a little boy from kicking sand into his sister's face but it still doesn't work?

Charmaine (10), Josslyn (6), Edric (7)

Jossy and her friend, Maddie, and their little 'sandcastle with lots of flags'

Maddie's oh-so-cute little brother!

take a wild guess which is my favouritest little angel.

Disclaimer: In no way does this blog promote or support paedophilism

40 hour famine- still alive and kicking

so i survived. hahha. it was hard to switch off my mobile, snap my laptop shut, keep my fingers away from the buttons of the microwave, pretend that bomberman is not calling my name from the ds.... and all the other stuff you can't do with electronics. but like i said, i survived :) silly thing was, when i switched on my mobile as soon as we broke fast, i didn't have any credit. way to go, amy. hahha. i must say though that something really productive came out off this weekend. i managed to finish 3 out of my 4 remaining assignment questions. AND i wrote it all out by hand *pats self on the back* i realised that it's probably  good idea to go on another famine the next time i've got an assignment due. mum and dad are probably gonna go "now then u know..." lol. yes, now i know.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

my fast

It's time for the 40 Hour Famine again. This time we're going without something that really matters to us to raise money to help World Vision give kids in India their basic human rights and free them from child labour, trafficking and slavery. $40 feeds 8 kids for a month. So think about that and I suggest that if u'r not fasting, support those who are and donate to the less fortunate children in India. If u wanna donate, let me know and I'll tell u how to go about. I've collected about $670 so far but we can always help more :)

I'm gonna forego all technology/electronicals again- phone, tv, computer, radio, microwave (!!) lol, and the list goes on. if u know me, u'd know how hard it is for me. hahah. apparently some people said that meant i couldn't use cars either. so i arranged for cell to be at my i wouldn't have to walk home in the middle of the night. lol. and sorry i won't be able to help u to move, jon :P 40 hours also means i've got 1 and a half days less to do my assignment which is due on friday. so much for trying to finish it earlier. my brothers are fasting food which means they aren't gonna cook which means i won't be able to eat cooked food because my stove is those heat inductor thingums.  i'll probably curl up in bed with a good book (recommendations, anyone?) and lots of snacks..unless i get really hungry and decide that i'm hardworking wnough to use the traditional stove thingum in our backyard.. would i? hahah. and i guess my warzone of a room probably needs a little cleaning up as well.. gotta be prepared in case someone pops by one of these days ;)

Monday, August 11, 2008

Click on the link!

jess, ange, all u Edward Cullen fans, this is for you.

it's hilariously brilliant.

credits to miccy.

Friday, August 8, 2008

edward, oh edward..

i should stop googling pictures of edward cullen and go to bed. i really should.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

i heart. i want.

in the midst of juggling between Edward Cullen and kinesiology, i somehow managed to find the time to post this up


Monday, August 4, 2008

PG 123 of Breaking Dawn


Happy Breaking Dawn Reading!

'I can't seem to face the fact that Edward Cullen is a fictional character'

zomg! it finally arrived in Perth!

they had Edward Cullen badges on display at Dymocks but they weren't on sale. darn.

Chelle threatened to msg me the spoilers. argh. lol

imma read my book now :) laterr!

ps: K-Mart's way cheaper than Dymocks for those who haven't grabbed themselves a copy. Go! Now! (unless it's 5pm..then wait till tomoro)