It's time for the
40 Hour Famine again. This time we're going without something that really matters to us to raise money to help World Vision give kids in India their basic human rights and free them from child labour, trafficking and slavery. $40 feeds 8 kids for a month. So think about that and I suggest that if u'r not fasting, support those who are and donate to the less fortunate children in India. If u wanna donate, let me know and I'll tell u how to go about. I've collected about $670 so far but we can always help more :)
I'm gonna forego all technology/electronicals again- phone, tv, computer, radio, microwave (!!) lol, and the list goes on. if u know me, u'd know how hard it is for me. hahah. apparently some people said that meant i couldn't use cars either. so i arranged for cell to be at my i wouldn't have to walk home in the middle of the night. lol. and sorry i won't be able to help u to move, jon :P 40 hours also means i've got 1 and a half days less to do my assignment which is due on friday. so much for trying to finish it earlier. my brothers are fasting food which means they aren't gonna cook which means i won't be able to eat cooked food because my stove is those heat inductor thingums. i'll probably curl up in bed with a good book (recommendations, anyone?) and lots of snacks..unless i get really hungry and decide that i'm hardworking wnough to use the traditional stove thingum in our backyard.. would i? hahah. and i guess my warzone of a room probably needs a little cleaning up as well.. gotta be prepared in case someone pops by one of these days ;)