Friday, May 30, 2008

D day has finally arrived!

after 1943783 assignments and presentations, i can finally call myself a free woman! no more late night sleeps nights working on intervention strategies for C7 SCI clients, who breaches which section of what act due to improper manutention, how to apply the Kawa model to someone with anxiety attacks, and definitely no more Sociological Imagination Template.


...exams? what exams??

ladeedum. now i can play mahjong without a paper in one hand, highlighter in the other, computer beside me, and people going 'stop doing ur work n throw the tile already!' Lol.

Had TRIPLE Butter Explosion popcorn and won a game of MJ just then. feeling a wee bit guilty cos i didn't work it off at pump class today.. nor last week.. hehe. just a wee bit. 


lol. congratulations balloon from jeremy. cute-ness!

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