Sunday, June 15, 2008

small. big.

little. mini. tiny. vertically challenged. short. petite.

different words. same meaning.

my small size and stature has been brought up a lot this week.

From realising during our practice for phys rehab prac exam that adjusting the chair leg to the shortest possible length wasn't even enough to accomodate for someone of my height, to being prayed over to do 'dynamic things even in this small frame', getting comments like 'hey. u look taller today! oh wait, u'r wearing heels', to being casted as David in the David and Goliath skit because i was the smallest, to being called mini mouse, and not forgetting being called a small girl. 

i have absolutely no doubt that all those were said out of love and in the name of good fun. but u know how they say, too much of something can be detrimental to ur health. i guess in some ways, i do feel small after that. no, scratch that. i feel very very small. inside.

but i learnt something. u know how u know that u know something but u just need to say it out to someone before u realise that u knew it all along? might be a bit confusing, but yea. i had one of those moments today.

I was one of the teachers in children's church today and we were teaching the kids the story of David and Goliath. My object lesson was to teach the kids that no matter how small they may be, God can use them in many different ways, just as he used David to beat Goliath. I knew that. I know I knew that. But something about actually teaching it to the kids made me realise that hey, i may be small but size isn't the most important thing. As long as I have God to keep my head up high, I can do anything through Him. My God is big, and because I have Him in me, I am big too.

so yea, i may be small. but i'm big.

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